There has been uproar since Liverpool and 11 other European clubs announced their intentions for a European Super League.

Despite going against the clubs and the fans’ core values, owners FSG have taken the step themselves.

The concept will see the club take part in a new mid-week competition against other elite European clubs.

However, the reception has been far from positive with football fans outraged at the greed behind the concept.

The format will essentially eliminate the possibilities of relegation and promotion – which will allows the big clubs to stay there.

Liverpool news account Anfield Watch posted an interesting tweet yesterday, highlighting club owner John W Henry’s comments about the club’s fans back in 2016…

It seems as though Henry has gone against everything that those comments stood for five years ago.

If the unique and sacred relationship between the club and the fans was so important then this decision would not have been made.

There is no poissbility that the owners of the club gave taken into account the thoughts and feelings of the fanbase.

Football is a working class sport and represents every value of fair competition.

For FSG to take that away and involve Liverpool in this style of competition, goes against everything about competitive football.

The Premier League may have been created out of greed in 1992 to make more money from the sport, but it still allowed for dreams to be made.

Promotion and relegation are one of the most exciting factors about European football.

When you take this away, the hard-working values of the sport are lost.

Club owners no longer care about the fans, and this feeling has been apparent for some time.

The news of a European Super League confirms this, and it is heartbreaking to see.