Former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp has urged fans to move on after this weeks European Super League saga ended with an apology from principal owner John W Henry.

The now Sky Sports pundit warned that if the American ownership group FSG were to sell up, then the next owners will be in the ‘same position’ in the sense that they will also ‘want to earn money out’ of the club.

In comments that are bound to spark a reaction amongst Kopites who vehemently protested the proposed Super League and the Reds’ involvement, Redknapp made the comments during the Sky Sports Premier League broadcast on Wednesday night.

They got what they wanted now. Of course, there is going to be anger towards their owners. Liverpool fans, they are talking about John W Henry and they don’t want him to be there anymore. I understand that. But I also think that they have made a huge mistake, everyone makes a mistake in life, but sometimes you just have to apologise for it and we move on. There’s not a great deal you can do.

The 47-year-old went on to describe the breakaway attempt as a ‘powerplay’ before suggesting supports should be ‘careful on what we wish for’ moving forwards.


Unfortunately, Redknapp is correct in the sense that finding suitable owners willing to fund transfer send and with the clubs best interest is a difficult task.

Whilst many will be hoping to run FSG out of Anfield in a similar way Tom Hicks and George Gillett were sent packing, for the time being, it could be a case of better the devil you know, with the hope Henry and co go a long way to building bridges.


